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Step Aside Flat-Earthers, Here Come The Donut Earth Theory

I often ponder if “flat-earthers” are being genuinely serious Or are they really absurd and just making a joke about it? We get to ask the same question regarding the doughnut earth idea today if you’ve ever questioned the same thing. Donut Earth theory—you read it correctly.

The flat earth idea, which holds that the Earth is structured like a disk, is an outdated and often debunked belief. The concept itself first arose in Greek philosophy, and Pythagoras is credited with coming up with it in the sixth century BC. But science has repeatedly refuted it, proving that it is untrue.

I don’t see why they keep trying to prove and disprove these things. That is precisely the problem with the doughnut earth hypothesis. Why even spend their time debating ideas like the planet is a doughnut theory?

Say Hello To Donut Earth Theory

The Earth is said to be formed like a doughnut according to the donut earth idea, as the name suggests.

In extremely particular circles, the torus-shaped Earth concepts are common. In 2008, the idea itself first surfaced (ironically) on, and it then seemed to “take off” from there. At the very least, it spread as any absurd notion would by first being adopted by one conspiracy theorist, who would then be picked up by another and posted to death until it seemed to be a thing.

The public spoke out more about it in 2012 than it had in 2011. They developed theories, made movies, and even provided specifics on how the shifting light rendered the doughnut hole “unseeable.”

Creative? Absolutely. Credible? Zero chance

Subscribers to Donut Earth think that the planet has a large hole in it. Torus’ curvature prevents light from passing through the hole, leading to the conclusion that it cannot be seen.

These explanations were developed by Varaug, a pioneer of the Flat Earth Society who gave the concept in-depth development. As a result, he developed the additional hypothesis that gravity goes toward the donut’s center, or, in his words, “closer to the jam.” People, this really does exist. Or at least it is now real because of the internet.

It makes me question whether this person is simply laughing himself to tears in some geek nest, making fun of others who believe he is being serious.

Is There Any Semblance Of Scientific Validity To The Theory (Spoiler Alert: There’s Not)

Unsurprisingly, the doughnut earth idea has no foundation whatsoever. Despite the widespread interest in the idea in the year 2016, researchers insist that the theory “doesn’t start off with a question that we need to answer.” According to renowned and very respectable astrophysicist Dr. Tabetha Boyajian, the theory does not provide consistent words to even consider a hypothesis.

In other words, the doughnut earth argument is unconvincing even when given the benefit of the doubt.

Source: Indie88

What do you think?

Written by Alex Bruno

Alex is a writer with a passion for space exploration and a penchant for satirical commentary. He has written extensively on the latest discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics, as well as the ongoing efforts to explore our solar system and beyond. In addition to his space-related work, Alex is also known for his satirical writing, which often takes a humorous and irreverent look at contemporary issues and events. His unique blend of science and humor has earned him a dedicated following and numerous accolades. When he's not writing, Alex can often be found stargazing with his telescope or honing his comedic skills at local open mic nights.

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