In an unexpected and visually striking turn of events, a scene unfolded on a busy highway that can only be described as a testament to the peculiar times we live in. A truck, stacked to the brim with Bud Light beer, was seen offloading a jaw-dropping 42,000 pounds of the beverage onto the bustling thoroughfare. […] More
In a dramatic turn of events, Target Corporation, a retail heavyweight, saw its stock prices nosedive to a three-year low on Thursday, amid mounting public criticism over the company’s decision to sell Pride merchandise intended for children. The stock price plunged to an alarming $137.39 USD, a low that hasn’t been witnessed since August 2020. […] More
Anheuser-Busch, the brewing behemoth responsible for the iconic Bud Light, has made a drastic move in an attempt to mitigate the negative fallout from the Dylan Mulvaney backlash. In a move that has stunned both industry insiders and beer lovers alike, the company has announced that they will be dumping their entire remaining stock of […] More
In a turn of events that could only be described as a legal circus, a judge recently slam-dunked Anheuser-Busch’s $100 billion lawsuit against Elon Musk, leaving the Bud Light manufacturer to lick its wounds while Musk presumably prepares for his next mission to Mars. Anheuser-Busch, seemingly struggling with relevancy, tried to catch a ride on […] More