Elon Musk, a billionaire entrepreneur, came under fire for tweeting many times regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, and Dmytro Kuleba, the minister of foreign affairs, are two of the well-known officials that replied to the internet remarks.
Musk tweeted about the violence on Monday evening to his 107.7 million followers, initially suggesting that four districts of eastern Ukraine that Russia had unlawfully invaded hold new elections “under UN supervision” in order to bring about peace between Ukraine and Russia.
“Russia departs” certain regions, according to Musk, “if that is the choice of the people.”
In addition, he advocated for Crimea, which Russia unlawfully acquired in 2014, to be reintegrated into the “historically a part of Russia since 1783 (until Krushchev’s blunder), referring to a proclamation issued by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1954 that handed control of Crimea over to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Russia’s position that Crimea’s inclusion in Ukraine was “Krushchev’s error” has been repeated several times by the Kremlin. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, likewise emphasized the need for Ukraine to “stay neutral” and added in subsequent tweets that “success for Ukraine is improbable.”
How has the response been?
President Zelenskyy created a Twitter poll in reaction to Musk’s remarks, asking, “Which Elon Musk do you like more?” either “one who favors Russia” or “one who supports Ukraine” are available. Even louder in his reaction to Musk, the foreign minister of Ukraine didn’t specifically identify the South African-born entrepreneur.
“Stop using the term “peace” as an excuse to “let Russians kill and rape countless more innocent Ukrainians, and steal more territory,” say those who want Ukraine to give up on its people and land, presumably not to bruise Putin’s shattered ego or rescue Ukraine from suffering.
Additionally, in an undiplomatic manner, the ambassador of Ukraine to Germany responded to Musk’s remarks by stating “Fuck off is my very polite reaction to you, and I wrote that the only result is that no Ukrainian would EVER purchase your f…ing tesla garbage. So, best of luck to you “.
Musk’s remarks regarding Ukraine have received mostly unfavorable feedback on Twitter, with the standard answers advising him to refrain from commenting on topics he clearly has sufficient knowledge about.
Elon Musk predicts World War 3
Elon Musk’s effort to purchase Twitter has evolved into a weird soap drama. After suddenly pulling the offer from him, what first seemed to be a love story that would provide Tesla CEO Elon Musk with complete ownership of the social network has ended up in court.
A complaint filed by former Twitter security chief Pieter Zatko alleges that the firm was careless with user data and failed to adequately deal with automated accounts and bots, joining a claim filed by Elon Musk against the corporation.
Twitter and Elon Musk’s attorneys were in court on Tuesday for a hearing to assess if the allegations made by Zatko may be added to the lawsuit they are now facing, despite the uncertainty of how all the legal commotion around this issue will turn out. Regarding what the social network’s former head of security has claimed, the corporation that runs it has mainly kept quiet.
In addition to claiming that I was in control of the social network’s spam, Twitter’s attorneys claim that Zatko is a person who is dissatisfied with the firm and that his complaint was essentially filed with the intention of hurting and delaying the merger process.
The justifications Musk stated about bots, monetizable users, and what Zatko supposedly discovered were not the genuine reason that would have caused Musk to withdraw his offer, according to Twitter’s attorneys.
Pieter Zatko, a renowned CEO who was previously given a post as a civil servant in the US government, seems to be treated more favorably by Musk’s attorneys. Additionally, they insisted on postponing the trial until October and emphasized that their client’s viewpoint had nothing to do with the complaint brought up by Zatko. They also maintained that Twitter had withheld detrimental material on purpose.
The social network maintains that there were ties between Musk and Zatko, despite the fact that Zatko’s defense has adopted a similar tack, claiming that the public disclosure of his charges was not meant to help Musk.
As we can see, this situation is a wonderful soap opera, with two parties blaming one another for blowing up Musk’s acquisition deal.
Since Twitter claims that Musk and Zatko have taken actions to hurt the firm, the CEO of Tesla’s defense contends that his client is not to blame for Zatko’s lawsuit. We’ll have to wait and see how this all plays out, but given Elon Musk’s unpredictable nature and the reality that everyone is for sale, it is possible that a three-way arrangement may be reached.
With Inputs From Euronews & Voonze