
Leaked Reports Claim George Soros Paid ABC Moderators $1 Million Each to Fact-Check Trump

George Soros

In a revelation that has sent shockwaves across the political landscape—and provided endless fodder for conspiracy theorists—leaked reports have allegedly confirmed that billionaire George Soros paid $1 million to each ABC moderator. Yes, you heard that right. According to the explosive leak, ABC debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis walked away from their latest presidential debate not just with applause from fact-check enthusiasts but with a cool million dollars in their back pockets—courtesy of everyone’s favorite globalist boogeyman, George Soros.

The news, which spread like wildfire on social media, was greeted with a mixture of disbelief, glee, and a resounding chorus of “We knew it!” from the usual corners of the internet. If you thought moderating debates was all about truth, integrity, and journalistic standards, think again. Apparently, it’s also about raking in Soros-funded stacks of cash for every fact-check.

The reports first surfaced through an anonymous whistleblower (because how else would this story break?), who claims to have access to internal documents detailing the payments. According to the documents, Soros funneled the money through a web of nonprofits, shell corporations, and—presumably—secret handshakes, ensuring that Muir and Davis would receive their million-dollar “bonuses” for interrupting Donald Trump with those pesky little things called facts.

Within minutes of the leak hitting the internet, hashtags like #SorosGate and #BoughtAndPaidFor were trending, with conspiracy theorists and pundits alike weighing in on what this could mean for the future of journalism, democracy, and—most importantly—who else might be on Soros’ payroll.

One particularly breathless tweet summed it up: “So Soros is literally paying people to fact-check Trump? That’s the only explanation for why these moderators kept stopping him with their ‘facts.’ Wake up, people! The truth has a price, and Soros is writing the checks!”

For years, George Soros has been the go-to villain for conspiracy theorists who need a wealthy, shadowy figure to blame for everything from political protests to bad weather. But this latest accusation—that Soros is personally paying journalists to fact-check political candidates—takes the narrative to new heights of absurdity.

The idea that Muir and Davis, two of the most respected journalists in the country, would need an extra financial incentive to correct blatant misinformation during a presidential debate is laughable to most. After all, moderating a debate is their job. But for others, this is just another example of how Soros is allegedly pulling the strings behind the scenes, controlling the media, and shaping the narrative.

“It’s all part of the plan,” said one anonymous commenter on a popular conspiracy forum. “Soros wants to make sure only his version of the truth gets out there. So, of course, he’s paying the moderators to keep Trump in check.”

The leak also claims that Soros’ payment came with one simple instruction: “Just make sure the facts win.” Because, apparently, in 2024, even the facts need a billionaire sugar daddy.

David Muir and Linsey Davis, who were simply trying to do their jobs in a chaotic political environment, now find themselves at the center of a media storm. According to the leaked documents, their performance in the debate was handsomely rewarded by Soros, as if fact-checking Trump required a financial incentive rather than, you know, journalistic responsibility.

Critics of the moderators were quick to pounce on the news. Donald Trump Jr. took to X (formerly Twitter), writing, “No wonder these moderators were so tough on my dad—they were bought and paid for by Soros! This is what happens when globalists run the media!”

Fox News hosts were similarly appalled, devoting several segments to the “Soros Payoff” scandal. Tucker Carlson, whose nightly rants often feature Soros as the villain, went into overdrive. “What we’re seeing here is the collapse of journalistic integrity,” Carlson said on his show. “These moderators weren’t just moderating. They were performing—performing for a payout from George Soros.”

Naturally, the internet had a field day with the news. Memes of Muir and Davis swimming in piles of Soros cash flooded social media. One particularly popular image depicted the moderators on a private jet with the caption: “Fact-checking our way to the bank!”

Others took a more serious tone, with some calling for an investigation into how the media is funded and whether such payments violate any ethical standards. But let’s be honest: if there’s one thing we’ve learned in recent years, it’s that conspiracy theories often live in a reality-free zone where facts are optional.

One tweet that captured the absurdity of it all read: “Apparently, in 2024, fact-checking isn’t about the truth. It’s about how much Soros is willing to pay you to say it.”

As the story continued to snowball, George Soros himself couldn’t resist weighing in. In a rare public statement—released, naturally, via social media—Soros trolled the conspiracy theorists with his usual flair.

“I’m flattered that people think I’m this powerful,” Soros tweeted. “But if I were really paying journalists to fact-check Trump, they’d be getting a lot more than $1 million. Inflation, you know?”

His tweet was accompanied by a winking emoji, a subtle nod to the fact that the entire accusation was as laughable as it was baseless. Still, that didn’t stop conspiracy theorists from doubling down, with some claiming that Soros’ sarcastic response was just further proof that he is behind it all.

So where does this leave us? If this leak is to be believed—and if you’re deep enough in the conspiracy rabbit hole, you absolutely believe it—it means that fact-checking isn’t about holding politicians accountable. It’s about cashing in.

Journalists like Muir and Davis, who were once seen as bastions of integrity, are now portrayed as mercenaries for truth, accepting Soros’ money to call out falsehoods and stop misinformation in its tracks. Because in the age of misinformation, nothing says “trustworthy” like a fat check from George Soros.

Meanwhile, debates continue to devolve into chaotic spectacles where the truth is treated as an afterthought, and moderators find themselves accused of being bought and paid for by global elites.

In the end, the Soros-leak scandal is less about fact and more about the endless appetite for conspiracy. The more ridiculous the claim, the more it spreads. And in this case, the idea that Soros is personally funding journalists to tell the truth? That’s just the cherry on top of a very 2024 cake.

As one pundit quipped, “If Soros really is paying people $1 million to fact-check Trump, then maybe we all need to get in line.”

NOTE: This is SATIRE, Not Real New.

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Written by Alex Bruno

Alex is a writer with a passion for space exploration and a penchant for satirical commentary. He has written extensively on the latest discoveries in astronomy and astrophysics, as well as the ongoing efforts to explore our solar system and beyond. In addition to his space-related work, Alex is also known for his satirical writing, which often takes a humorous and irreverent look at contemporary issues and events. His unique blend of science and humor has earned him a dedicated following and numerous accolades. When he's not writing, Alex can often be found stargazing with his telescope or honing his comedic skills at local open mic nights.

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