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  • Robert Deniro Warner Bros
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    Breaking: Warner Bros Drops $10 Million Project With “Creepy” ‘Woke’ Robert De Niro

    In a surprising turn of events, Warner Bros recently announced the cancellation of a $10 million project featuring legendary actor Robert De Niro. The decision comes amidst controversy surrounding De Niro’s perceived ‘woke’ stance and outspoken comments on various political and social issues. This abrupt move has sparked a wave of discussions within the entertainment […] More

  • Megan Rapinoe Endorsements
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    Breaking: Megan Rapinoe Faces Endorsement Losses In Millions

    In a surprising turn of events that seems to defy the conventional playbook of celebrity endorsements, soccer superstar and vocal activist Megan Rapinoe is reportedly facing a significant loss in endorsement deals following her recent performance on the pitch. While Rapinoe’s advocacy on various social issues has earned her both admirers and critics, the financial […] More